… [Read more...] about Opening Reception of “Support/Surface Redux”

Opening Reception of “From Nature to Culture”
Opening Reception of “Re:Presentation”
Opening Reception of “From Here to There”
Opening Reception of “Prompt Response: Fusion of Forms”
Opening Reception of “Hanging by a Thread”
Opening Reception of “Shades of Darkness”
Opening Reception of Darwin’s Paradox
2021 Spring Virtual Open Studios
Opening Reception of “Chromaphilia/Chromophobia”
Opening Reception of “Tales and Whispers”
Sympoiesis – Opening Reception
Opening Reception “China: 2019”
Opening Reception of “Liminality”
Opening Reception of “Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But Words Will Never Hurt Me”
Opening Reception of “The Printed Image”
Opening Reception: 4 exhibitions – SVA BFA Fine Arts
Mind Sets – Opening Reception
Biodesign Challenge Opening Reception
Biotransmutations / Open Studios
Once Upon a Time… Opening Reception
The Biophilia Hypothesis – Opening Reception
Our Biotech Future(s): Student projects from the Biodesign Challenge
4 Exhibitions Opening Reception
Material Magic Opening Reception
Prime Time Opening Reception
Everything Digital Opening Reception
Sampler Opening Reception
Everything Else Opening Reception
Where Is the Art in Bio Art? Opening Reception
4 Exhibitions Opening Reception
Hi Rez/Lo Rez Opening Reception
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