Xin Gan, Installation view of Gan’s studio during “Fall Open Studios”, 2019, New York.
Xin Gan’s work integrates Eastern and Western pop culture. She combines Chinese calligraphy and Pop imagery to reference a blended, globalized world with no absolute center: a world in which cultural fusion has become the norm. During the pandemic, however, once latent traits such as selfishness and bigotry have surfaced. Despite that fact, people everywhere still appreciate the same things and that is what Gan expects to communicate through her artwork.

Xin Gan, Untitled, 2019. Clay, glaze, silkscreen on clay.

Xin Gan, Untitled, 2020. Unfired clay, underglaze, silkscreen ink, lab grown diamonds, 4.5 x 8.5 x 2 inches.