During their first year, BFA Fine Arts students take a general survey of world art and literature along with six-hour studio classes designed to build essential technical skills in a variety of media. In their second and third years, they explore photography, sculpture, printmaking, video art and digital narrative. In the fourth year, they are given their own studio space, where they meet with a team of faculty members for discussion, critique and weekly feedback.
This list only includes Bio Art courses offered by the BFA Fine Arts Department. View All Undergraduate Courses.
SVA is an art and design school in NYC offering continuing education courses to meet the diverse educational needs of the city’s professional art and design community, as well as the larger community within which the College resides. Request information at ce@sva.edu to learn more about NYC continuing education at SVA.
You will have the attention of New York’s creative elite, and access to the same computer labs, studios, editing facilities and equipment used by successful talents worldwide. We offer courses during the week and on weekends, from one-day workshops to full-semester courses.
SVA’s Summer Residencies in New York City offer artists, designers and creative thinkers time, space and a supportive community in which to develop ideas and focus on their artistic direction. A variety of professional immersion programs provide opportunities for artists to explore new areas of social and technological practice and engage critically within their field. Affordable housing is available, as well as opportunities to show work to the public.
Please Note: Course descriptions and availability are subject to change. Check the SVA Registration Book and aks your Academic Advisor for additional information.