It is important for me to paint everyday scenes. I do printmaking, drawing, and painting, I draw mostly representative with some abstraction. Formalistically, I’m thinking about light, construction, composition, color and nature. The relationship between the objects in paintings is like Aphrodite, when I see with love and care, I will then be led to what’s really “fine” in fine art.
Life for me has been like a miracle. I have thankfulness in life. I know there are a lot of genres in art. I wonder what’s the point of being an artist when there’s no knowledge of true nature/essence – 본질 – that brings love and intimacy in a painting. It is important for me to paint everyday scenes. For me to paint everyday scenes is like I am recording a thank you note to the stars. I have several series of paintings and prints. The composition for me is a natural thing to do in my paintings. I mainly look at the first shape which is the generalized and big forms. Then I think about colors. As I construct, I put paint on to the canvas. All drawing and painting depends on first composing, then lighting, and then colors.